‘Please Tell Me Another Story’

NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The South honed the art of storytelling – whether it was at the dinner table, on the front porch, around a campfire or from the pulpit. That accounts for the popularity of Potluck & Poison Ivy, a monthly show in North Little Rock’s Argenta Arts District.
Don’t expect the same show twice. Only the basic format stays the same. There’s a catered box dinner from 6-7 p.m., with lots of conversation around the room, and then an hour of who knows what on stage. Do expect a mixed bag of true tales, tall tales, maybe some sad tales and, of course, a bit of music.

Some of the storytellers and musicians may be professional entertainers, but the next person on stage just as easily could be a country lawyer, a homemaker, a plumber or a grad student.
Potluck & Poison Ivy fills a 100-seat venue on the fourth Thursday of every month in a spot called The Joint Theater and Coffeehouse (“the best locally roasted coffee in Central Arkansas,” they say). The Joint sees plenty of entertainment other nights, too. Another regular event is the Argenta Acoustic Music Series on the third Thursday of every month, which is devoted to some of the best guitar players anywhere.

Tuesdays at The Joint are for open-mic comedy, Wednesdays are for improv, and Fridays and Saturdays are for “The Main Thing,” a comedic musical revue in two acts that offers five new productions a year. Several focus on the fictitious Fertle family from fictitious Dumpster, Ark.
Check these websites for travel guidance: PotluckAndPoisonIvy.org, ArgentaAcoustic.com, TheJointArgenta.com and NorthLittleRock.org

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